Meet our Amazing Team

Dedicated to providing our customers with the highest standard of un-rivalled, quality service in international transportation, our constant goal is to exceed your expectations by going the extra mile. Meet the faces behind Famous Logistics.

Michele DougalManaging Director
As Managing Director here at Famous Logistics, I oversee the general direction of the business, and help out with all customer queries, quotations and import/export system set ups.

I am passionate about helping our clients to succeed; to ensuring that we add value wherever possible, and continue to seamlessly integrate into our client’s businesses.

We want to be your partners in freight and will constantly work with you to achieve your goals and exceed your expectations.

I pride myself on being very hands-on and accesible. So if you need assistance with any aspect of our service, or would like advice on the best way to tackle a logistics challenge – please contact me. I firmly believe that logistics is in my blood, and even though over the past 20 years I’ve spent time studying my Custom Brokers course, Clerking and in various other positions, I find that it’s the import and export of freight that I find truly exciting and rewarding.”

Kym McDonald
Kym McDonaldOperations Manager
“Hi I am Kym Mcdonald, the Operations manager at Famous Logistics.

I am a motivated and enthusiastic worker with over 27 years in the transport and logistics Industry. I started in the industry back in 1989 as a receptionist and have worked my way through the ranks. My experience covers imports/exports, customs, quarantine, transport, customer service, orders & sales.

I started with famous in 2005 and feel privileged to work with most amazing people always going the extra mile for our clients which makes my jobs easy. I’m here to help.”

Leo Wu
Leo WuCompany Accountant
“Hi I am Leo Wu, the Company Accountant at Famous Logistics.

I have been in the position, since April, 2011. I am managing all of accounting jobs of Famous Logistics. I have my bachelor degree of international business and master degree of Professional Accounting from Griffith University, I am the qualified member of CPA Australia. As the Mandarin speaker with the international trading experience, I am making the efforts to help our clients to communicate with their shipper in China, and try to sort out the problems.

Helen Wilson
Helen WilsonImport Co-ordinator
“Hi there! I’m Helen Wilson and here at Famous Logistics, I’m the Import Co-ordinator.
Been with Famous for 8 years.
Been in the transport/forwarding industry for 25 years here and in NZ.
Helen deals with all facets of import data entry from creation of the file, liaising with the clients/freight forwarders, invoicing, unpacking of containers to the final release of the freight to the consignee.
Customer Service and General Enquiries.
Rhonda Moag
Rhonda MoagImport & Export Co-ordinator
“Hi there! I’m Rhonda Moag and here at Famous Logistics, I’m the Import & ExportCo-ordinator.

Always in working in transport and logistics in some capacity, I spent 10 years in the airline industry before moving into International freight forwarding in 2000.

I have been with Famous Logistics for the past 3 years looking after both imports and export, sea freight and airfreight as well as domestic transport. Looking after all new customer enquiries as well as current Famous clients, Primarily my role is to speak to new shippers and assist them in getting their freight where it needs to be with the least amount of fuss possible. Speaking with their suppliers, looking after their documentation and getting their product to their door for the best possible price.